1. Pizza Fusion https://www.pizzafusion.com (Best Crust) 2. Uno’s Chicago Grill https://www.unos.com/ (Best All Round Pizza) 3. Vertoris Pizza https://www.vertorispizza.com (Best toppings) 4. Red Elephant https://www.redelephantpizza.com (Best Value) 5. Aurelios Pizza https://www.aureliospizza.com These are my top 5. More photo’s coming soon
Archive for the ‘Weston’ Category
Best Gluten Free Pizza
Posted by admin on July 8th, 2011

Pizza Fusion
Posted by admin on June 17th, 2009
Pizza Fusion was created in the best interest of the individual and the environment. When originally designing the menu, Vaughan Lazar and Michael Gordon, founders of Pizza Fusion, wanted everyone to enjoy the good taste of their delicious food. So they did their research and sought out tasty alternatives that’d allow individuals with food allergies, […]